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Anti-Tumor Progress on Dual Blockage of Immune Checkpoints CD47 and PDL1

GAO Xiangzheng, LIANG Keying, MEI Shengsheng, PENG Shanshan, ZHAN Jinbiao*

(Department of Biochemistry, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou 310058, China)

PDL1 (programmed death 1 ligand 1) is a key inhibitory signal in the adaptive immune system. CD47 is a key “don’t eat me” signal in the innate immune system and also a modulator of adaptive immune responses. The overexpression of CD47 and PDL1 on the surface of most tumor cells is associated with the cancer immune escape. Emerging evidence has indicated that dual targeting of the immune checkpoints PDL1 and CD47 can provide more opportunities for the clearance of malignant cells. This review summaries the progress on the dual blockage of PDL1 and CD47 for tumor immunotherapy in recent years. The dual blockage synergistic strategy may provide a highly effective combination alternative that modulates both innate and adaptive anti-tumor immunity.