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Practice and Thinking of Creative Class in Cell Biology

DENG Jie1, XUE Bingqing1, CHEN Si1, TONG Liqi1, ZHANG Yachun1, HU Xuezhi1, GAN Lu1,2, HE Yuchi1

(1School of Life Sciences, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062, China; 2School of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Hanjiang Normal University, Shiyan 442099, China)

Cell biology is the frontier subject of modern biology, with fast renewal of knowledge and outstanding interdisciplinary characteristics. In order to enable students to master subject knowledge more efficiently, the form of class teaching should also be constantly developed to make it more novel and vivid. Creative class uses rich creativity, original props and music to turn raw and dull knowledge into interesting presentation, enhance students’ interest in the course and attract students to participate in intelligent creativity. The creative class of cell biology makes rational knowledge plug in the wings of creativity, and enables students and teachers to design, create and demonstrate closely around relevant knowledge, giving full play to the role of stimulating young college students to be happy to learn, to be happy to think and to be creative. The creativity, knowledge and interest of the creative class are the biggest characteristics different from the traditional class, and it has constructive help to improve the level of the intelligent class.